Hilltoppers Alanon Family Groups Which Meet
Electronically (AFGWME) Online Meetings
Follow the Crumbtrail: Hilltoppers Home > Online Meetings
The following meetings are online only.
The schedule of in-person meetings can be found on the In-Person Meeting Schedule
- Tuesday
- Saturday Discussion Meetings
NOTE: Beginning March 18, 2023,
the links for the Saturday Discussion Meetings
have changed to a single unified link for both
- 9:00AM - Discussion Meeting
- 10:30AM - Discussion Meeting
Joining by Phone
You can join any of the meetings above by phone using
one of the Zoom
international call-in numbers.
After dialing the number, input the Meeting ID and
Passcode from the list above when prompted.
In the United States, you can use one of the following
- +1 346 248 7799 (Houston)
- +1 669 900 6833 (San Jose)
- +1 253 215 8782 (Tacoma)
- +1 929 205 6099 (New York)
- +1 301 715 8592 (Germantown)
- +1 312 626 6799 (Chicago)
Meeting Chair Information
Please use the following Meeting Chair Guide to chair the zoom discussion meeting:
If you are asked to host one of the weekly Zoom
meetings, please review the following instructions for
taking the Host roll.
Hilltoppers AFG Venmo Account
In accordance with our 7th tradition, Hilltoppers has
set up a Venmo account to accept voluntary donations
while in-person meetings are suspended. Using the Venmo
app, search for "Hilltoppers AFG" to make a donation.
For more information, refer to www.venmo.com.