About the Hilltoppers AFG Group Conscience Meeting
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About the Hilltoppers Group Conscience "By being part of an informed group conscience, gathering the information we need, letting our loving God guide us, and remaining trusted servants, we are all a part of the group and support its decisions." (Paths to Recovery, p. 145)
Principles and procedures for guiding the Hilltoppers Al-Anon Family Group are established by group conscience in a quarterly business meeting. Any Al-Anon member can ask for a concern to be discussed at the quarterly meeting at least two weeks in advance of the meeting, or call for a special meeting by contacting the Group Representative(GR). Each of us is an integral part of the group conscience. Helping to make decisions and learning to share our thoughts concerning matters that affect our group during this meeting, whether as an elected officer or as an interested member, is a way we can serve the group. Our program is based on suggestion, discussion and sharing of experience, and rotation of leadership. For unity to exist, all of us must have a voice, and each of us has a responsibility to participate by listening, sharing, and accepting the group decisions.
The Group Conscience meeting is led by the GR and has representation and reporting by the Secretary, Treasurer, Information Center Representative/Alternate GR, Literature Chair, Newcomers Meeting Coordinator, and Church Liaison. Other positions, serving unlimited volunteer terms, include the Webmaster and Lockhart Prison Liason. Other items of concern are placed on the agenda from time to time. In addition, at each October Group Conscience Meeting, elections are held for those officers with terms ending that year. Anyone who has an interest in these roles can find officer job descriptions in the "big blue binder", along with the Operating Procedures of our group. To learn more about the Hilltoppers Group Conscience Meeting, look in the "big blue binder" for the most recent minutes.