Hilltoppers AFG Officer's Roles & Responsibilities
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Group Conscience Officer Roles Tradition Two - For our group purpose there is but one authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
Tradition Nine - Our groups, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
Group Representative (GR) GR may not be a member of AA also.
- Three-year term
- Represents groups at district and area meetings (expenses of registration fee, mileage, and lodging paid by group)
- Posts notices for group conscience meetings (solicitation of agenda items, meeting announcement and agenda)
- Chairs group conscience meetings
- Registered with Information Center as group contact
- Maintains chairing guideline manual
- Maintains group Forum subscription (receives copies and places on literature table)
- Serves as alternate Information Center Representative
- Registers as authorized signature on group bank account
- One-year term
- Records group conscience meetings minutes
- Posts group conscience meeting minutes within one week of meeting
- Maintains minutes book
- Maintains current list of officers' names and phone numbers. Informs Information Center and World Service of changes as needed
- Two-year term (change approved at October 18, 2003 Group Conscience meeting)
- Maintains accurate financial records of group funds
- Maintains and reconciles group bank account
- Prepares, reports, and posts financial statements quarterly
- Collects contribution envelopes from church, counts money, and makes deposits
- Pays operating expenses (i.e., rent, literature, travel, duplication, envelopes, etc.)
- Distributes surplus funds as established by group conscience
- Serves as liaison with church office
Literature Chair
- One-year term
- Maintains inventory of books and pamphlets for the group
- Purchase literature from the Information Center and delivers to the group
- Maintains supply of current meeting schedules for the group
Information Center Representative Info Center Rep may not be a member of AA also
- One-year term
- Represents group at the Information Center Meetings
- Attends bi-monthly Information Center board meetings
- Keeps group informed of Information Center news; reports to group at quarterly group conscience meetings
- Serves as alternative Group Representative