Alateen Do's & Dont's
- Do remember you are not the only one with an alcoholic parent.
- Do look for help in Alateen, Al-Anon, AA, and other local
and community councils on alcoholism.
- Do learn all you can about alcoholism, a family disease.
- Do be honest with yourself and others.
- Do use your talents in ways that interest you.
- Do develop a sensible attitude about alcoholism.
- Do remember that not only the alcoholic, but all the members
of the family are emotionally involved with the disease.
- Do find someone other than a relative that you can confide
- Do learn to forgive yourself and others -- you only hurt yourself
by holding grudges.
- Do keep your trust in your Higher Power.
- Do take your own personal inventory and admit your faults
to one person.
- Do pass on your knowledge of Alateen to others.
- Don't cover up for the alcoholic and take on responsibilities
other than your own.
- Don't try to make the alcoholic stop drinking -- you can't.
- Don't argue with an active alcoholic.
- Don't hide or throw out liquor; more is always available.
- Don't take it personally when the alcoholic blames you for
drinking -- any excuse will do.
- Don't use drugs or alcohol as a means of escaping the family
- Don't condemn, judge, or criticize -- remember that alcoholism
is a diesase.
- Don't make your parent's problem the number one thing in your
- Don't expect things to get better overnight.
- Don't expect to change anyone but yourself.
- Don't allow self-pity to grow inside of you. It will destroy
- Don't over-react to the alcoholic's problem.
LIVE AND LET LIVE. To get the most out of your
life, don't judge or criticize others or concern yourself with
what they do.
FIRST THINGS FIRST. First do what's most important
-- you'll get more done. It's a great way to organize your time
and energy.
THINK. Hold back that rash word or thoughtless
action. THINK about ways to improve yourself. THINK before you
make decisions.
EASY DOES IT. Haste makes waste -- of time and
effort. Relax -- get rid of tension and rushing.
LET GO AND LET GOD. You can't fix everything that's
wring with the world or with your family and friends. Let it go!
God can't do His work if we're standing in the way.
ONE DAY AT A TIME. Today is the most important
day of your life. Use it. Forget yesterday -- and don't worry
about what might happen tomorrow.
LISTEN AND LEARN. There's something of value to
be learned from everyone you meet. Look for it and use it.
Alateen Home Hilltoppers-AFG
ŠThe information on this page
is from Al-Anon Pamphlet #M-9, and is reprinted with permission
of Al-Anon World Headquarters. See the
Page for more info.