Hilltoppers-AFG Alateen Area

Gratitude Prayer

Resources for Teens in Recovery

Gratitude Prayer


Thank you God for Life...a life with meaning in which I can be me, a life of courage to replace the fear. It feels so good to be young and alive, to carry my head high and to keep my mind clear so that I can see and enjoy the truly beautiful world in which you have placed me! Please don't ever let me take my life for granted.

Thank you God for Love...for helping me to sow love where only hatred could grow before, for helping me to love and understand my parents and for showing me that, no matter what they do, they still love me. It is wonderful to know what Love really is -- to have that sense of hope which assures me that I don't have to be lonely any more.

Thank you God for Joy...the kind of joy that wells within me when I know that my life is in the hands of One who understands and carea as no other can, a joy that brings with it a beautiful feeling of inner peace.

And thank you, most of all, dear God, for being the greatest friend a young person like me can have.


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