Hilltoppers AFG Group Conscience Minutes
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Group Conscience Minutes 2007
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - Januray, 2007 Top of Page
- These minutes are not available at this time.
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - April, 2007 Top of Page
- April 14, 2007
- Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
- Information Center Representative: TC
- Treasurer: JS
- Literature Chair: MR
- Secretary: JR
- Webmaster: BC
- Officers Present: SP, TC, JS, MR, JR, and BC
- SP called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. and opened with the Serenity Prayer and reading of the Twelve Traditions. JR volunteered to read the minutes from the last Group Conscience Meeting on March 10, 2007 (prepared by BD, Acting Secretary), which were approved as submitted. Since a Secretary was needed to take minutes for the meeting, Susan asked that this Action Item be moved to this point. Election of the new Secretary was taken up, and JR was elected unanimously as the Secretary through December 2007.
- Financial Report:
- JS made the following comments:
- He reported that we would not be "going out of business" (as was the concern at the time of the GC Meeting in February) because the state of our finances has improved.
- We are holding a $1,000 literature commitment to the Prison Outreach this year.
- We gave a total of $6,000 to the Austin Al-Anon Information Center, East Texas Area, District 6, and the World Service Office AFG, Inc. (WSO) both in 2005 and in 2006. The amount for 2007 will be discussed later.
- In response to a question, JR noted that they give out three books to the Prison Outreach members: one at the end of six consecutive visits and the other two at the completion of additional participation. Members can contribute to this program by volunteering time and/or giving financial contributions.
- Literature Report:
- MR reported that expenses for ODAT purchases had declined since the decision to give out this book only at our Monday Newcomers Meeting. Individual sales have also declined. In response to a question about how to request specific literature, Marcia noted that persons could call her (name and number listed on the bulletin board) to make requests for literature. Any receipts for reimbursement of expenses for the group (copy work, for example) should be given to JS.
- Update on Alateen Meeting:
- JH and EB reported attendance is low, with the maximum present having been three teens, but that it is as expected. It is not unusual to have low participation for the first year. JH says that the goal is to have the Alateen group where the teens themselves would handle the meetings, with at least two Alateen sponsors always present. JH commented that he "is not certain who benefits more," the sponsors or the teens, as the program is very rewarding to him. Additional persons are needed to serve as Alateen sponsors or as drivers/chauffeurs for teens who require transportation to meetings or conferences. There will be a training workshop on June 9th in Wimberley. Additional information is on the bulletin board and in the meeting book announcements.
- Update on Special Alateen Brainstorming Task Force:
- LV had prepared a flyer announcing the Hilltoppers Alateen Meeting and obtained from the Al-Anon Information Center a small bookmark for distribution. They are stored in the side cabinet. Since the flyers were printed at a cost of $1.00 per page, LV asked for anyone having a scanner to take the flyer to make additional copies for distribution to other Al-Anon groups. JS said that LV should submit her production cost receipts to him for reimbursement.
- Website Update:
- BC reported that the website had been hacked recently, and he is working to deal with this problem. We have two moderators who monitor the emails and refer obscene emails directly to BC, who is diligent about weeding out such communication. He said that we are looking for additional moderators. BC indicated that many people access the website during their lunch hour at work as well as late at night. The on-line live meetings are more interesting and popular than the website bulletin board.
- One member suggested having an area specifically for newcomers. BC indicated that he has a section for Alateen but that he has not updated it recently. Another member asked about the possibility of including the list of officers and their phone numbers on the website. After some discussion, it was decided that a statement could refer to a list of the Hilltoppers AFG officers/trusted servants posted on the bulletin board in the Al-Anon meeting room.
- Action: BC will include an additional information area for newcomers and the indication that a list of the Hilltoppers AFG officers/trusted servants is posted on the bulletin board in the Al-Anon room.
- Election of new Secretary to fill remainder of one-year term: As indicated above, JR was unanimously approved as Secretary through December 2007.
- Election of new Information Center Representative to fill remainder of one-year term: TC was approved as Information Center Representative through December 2007.
- →Consideration of change in Hilltoppers AFG distribution to local, district, area and World Service Groups from semiannual to annual disbursement:
- JS pointed out that distributions usually were being made in May and September of each year, although we have diverted from that time frame in the past. It had previously been suggested that we would be short of money and might have to delay our contribution until July. However, Jim now felt that we would be solvent financially and would be able to make a disbursement of about $1,400 to the various groups on a set percentage of available funds beyond the $2,000 agreed upon minimum balance.
- Action: The motion was made and approved unanimously to continue the semi-annual distributions, but these will be made each April and October on a true semiannual basis. Jim will carry out this plan.
- →Consideration of financial support for Alateen Literature:
- JS asked for a decision on the financial commitment to Alateen. Jim reported that the Hilltoppers Alateen group has an amount of some $43.00+, which was contributed as seed money for our group from what was left from a defunct Alateen group elsewhere. Someone questioned whether the Alateen daily reader should be given to each newcomer initially because of concern that the teen would come to one meeting and not return. However, since a teen is dependent on an adult for transportation and financial support, he/she, if unable to attend other meetings, would at least have the book for reference. Perhaps we could have a library of various books and pamphlets that would be available as a resource for meeting topics and reference. A member asked about making a personal contribution for Alateen support. It was determined that any member can make a contribution earmarked for Alateen.
- Action: A motion was made and approved to budget $100 for the next quarter for purchase of literature at the discretion of the sponsors. JH and EB will
report on the use of these funds at the next quarterly GC meeting.
- →Discussion of concern for emotional safety in the Group:
- SP asked that everyone keep their comments to two minutes in order to allow time for everyone who wished to share in the discussion.
- LV pointed out that two persons experiencing difficulties need space to work through their behaviors together, noting that there was a need to get beyond squabbles. She asked that there be a procedure in place for working on disagreements/conflicts between members. She also expressed concern about what she regarded as public chastisement of someone who makes a mistake when chairing a meeting. She felt that calling attention to the error during the meeting was humiliating to the chair and would prefer for the matter to be handled person-to-person with respect and love. The member who pointed out to LVS as chair of the meeting that the AA Third Step Prayer was not Al-Anon conference approved literature (CAL) addressed the specifics of the situation to which Lynn referred and gave her viewpoint. Someone else noted that the chair has a responsibility for ensuring that Al-Anon CAL is used.
- During the discussion following, various members cited occasions involving others where conflict was apparent, thereby causing an unsafe feeling for several members. They noted the importance of keeping these rooms as safe places in which we can take care of ourselves. Any underlying tension will cause people to leave. No names were mentioned because anonymity is important. One person pointed out that this situation is a group issue to be addressed and that we are not being a healthy family by letting such issues continue. Our primary purpose is to help families of alcoholics, and we are failing to fulfill this purpose. Since some members have been ridiculed for personal decisions made since coming into Al-Anon, they need to be free of such ridicule in meetings. One question to be settled is whether it is a matter of principle or personality.
- Some members suggested several possibilities for handling disagreements: fostering a dialogue between the persons and practicing program principles, having a grievance procedure in place for such happenings, calling in a third party to mediate a conflict, or having some other method for resolving problems. The importance of studying the First and Fifth Traditions in our meetings was also noted. Another member pointed out that this group is very important to many of us and that we have survived differences in the past and can survive this challenge by remembering that we are all wounded persons trying to heal through the program. Faith and trust in the group conscience process is a key part of dealing with group problems.
- Because of the lengthy time already spent and the relevance of the last agenda item, SP asked that RS introduce her topic.
- →Discussion of concern for Group unity/safety:
- RS explained that a member had come to her about being harassed outside the meeting room. The member had begun to feel physically unsafe and had been threatened with stalking. The member, a relative newcomer, was quite fearful of this type of behavior and was feeling in danger from this person. RS, who is a mental health professional, expressed concern that the harasser might be paranoid and delusional and suggested that the Group take strong measures to stop the harassment. The problem does not evaporate or go away and is beginning to affect group unity because of the loss of safety. RS recalled a similar situation many years ago in which the Church had assisted in taking action toward someone who harassed group members.
- The member who had spoken to RS thanked those present for this process and expressed concern for her physical safety after several incidents occurring in meetings over the past few weeks. The situation culminated in an altercation after a noon meeting on Good Friday where the harasser tried to block the member's exit from the building, something that other members witnessed.
- Others noted several examples of rage being expressed following meetings, even an incident between two of the men in our group. Members have even had to walk each other to the car because of concern for safety. BC indicated that anyone ever feeling unsafe should ask for his assistance and noted that this kind of behavior cannot continue.
- Stating that the unity and safety of the Group was being adversely affected, RS made a motion for the Group to talk to the Church about issuing a criminal trespass to bar this member from attendance at Hilltoppers AFG meetings and even her presence on the Church grounds. During further discussion of the motion, SP passed out copies of a Group Inventory as a framework for dealing with other issues in the group. The motion later passed by a majority. (Of 19 members in attendance, 17 voted for the motion and 2 abstained.)
- Action: The officers/trusted servants will work out specifics for contacting the Church to ask for assistance in filing a criminal trespass against this person.
- [During follow-up action taken, BC contacted the person immediately to let her know that, for the sake of group unity, Hilltoppers AFG had decided to ask her to refrain from attending meetings at Hilltoppers. On Sunday JS contacted the Church by email with a brief explanation of the Group decision, and on Monday morning BC met with the Church contacts (pastor, campus manager, and another representative) to clarify the situation in more detail. The Church representatives asked if there appeared to be a threat to any of their faculty, staff, students, or visitors. BC stated that, based upon previous actions by this person, the threats appeared to be only to those with whom she had polarized. The Church expressed appreciation for our concern and quick action, and they indicated that they were not in a position to take legal action at this time. However, for possible future action, the Church requested letters describing the situation and indicating that the person had been notified. Susan and BC are preparing these letters. It should be noted that if the harasser attempts to return to meetings or appears on the Church premises, any Al-Anon member can notify the Church office to initiate the criminal trespass procedure.]
- All members present were reminded to keep this discussion and action confidential. The matter should not be discussed outside the room with anyone.
- NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, July 14, 2007, at 1:15 p.m.
- The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m. and closed with the Al-Anon Declaration.
- Respectfully submitted,
JR, Secretary
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - July, 2007 Top of Page
- July 14, 2007
- Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
- Information Center Representative: TC
- Treasurer: JS
- Literature Chair: MR
- Secretary: JP
- Webmaster: BC
- Officers Present: SP, TC, JS, MR, JP, and BC
SP called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. and opened with the Serenity Prayer. S asked for any corrections to the minutes already posted and distributed to the officers. BC asked that a paragraph be added to the minutes reflecting that he called the person to communicate three items. They were: (1) a group decision was made that she not return to any future Hilltoppers meetings; (2) he advised her that she had crossed the line when she became physically confrontational, and (3) Bob was genuinely sorry that the situation had come to this action being taken. This note will be added to the April 14, 2007 minutes. The minutes were approved with the one addition.
- Financial Report:
JS reviewed the Statement of Activity he had prepared for the period of April 1 - June 30, 2007, noting a typo in the ending date, which should read 6/30/07. He also indicated that any increase in the small balances remaining from our original commitment to the Lockhart Prison Outreach and Alateen would need approval by the Group Conscience. In response to a member's request for a breakdown of the $1,300.00 total semiannual disbursements to the various areas of Al-Anon, J noted the following percentages and amounts, which are allocated in line with the Operating Procedures for Hilltoppers AFG: 45% or $585.00 to the Austin Al-Anon Information Center; 25% or $325.00 to District 6; and 15% or $195.00 each to the East Texas Area and World Service Organization.
- The Financial Report was accepted as submitted.
- Literature Report:
- In submitting her full report, MR indicated that, since the beginning of the year, we have given away 130 Newcomer Packets and 147 Meeting Schedules. We have also distributed 134 ODATs, of which a small number have been sold with the bulk of them being given away at Newcomer Meetings.
- Discussion ensued regarding the sale of the literature on the shelves. It was suggested that an envelope for payment be placed in each book.
- The Literature report was accepted as indicated.
- Action: Marcia will arrange for placement of envelopes in the books to be done.
- Update on Alateen Meeting:
- Since JH and EB could not be present, SP reported for them. Attendance is still low. It had been suggested we change the time of the meeting to some evening at 8:00 p.m. Members noted that we are just getting off the ground for this new meeting. It was mentioned that the Northland Group has a very successful Alateen Meeting. Ideas about circulating information on Alateen were discussed. There is a need for additional persons who meet minimum requirements to become Al-Anons Involved in Alateen Service and then shadow JH and EB in Alateen meetings.
- Action: Susan plans to talk to Lizz Salinas, our District 6 Alateen Coordinator, at the next District meeting for some direction on this. SP will report at the next Group Conscience meeting.
- Website Update:
- BC reported that the website is getting lots of traffic. On-line meetings and the God Box are being used heavily.
- SP formally thanked BC for his commitment to get the website where it is today. He has spent a great deal of time on this project, and his efforts are deeply appreciated. S volunteered to assist BC as his apprentice.
- BC noted that the God Box is private and is set up only to let him know the number of use times there are to the site.
- TC asked that reference to her name be removed from the minutes posted on the website. The group agreed that the uniqueness of her name makes it easy to single her out on the web. One person suggested that the possibility of removing the names from the minutes be discussed at our next meeting. She also asked that the Group Conscience decide whether or not the minutes should be posted on the website in addition to the Al-Anon Room bulletin board.
- The report was accepted as given.
- Action: BC will change the minutes posted on the web to show only the initials for any members mentioned in the minutes. BC, SK, and JL offered to develop guidelines for the website in line with the Traditions and submit them at the next Group Conscience meeting. SP will place the discussion of these suggestions on the agenda for the next Group Conscience meeting.
- Information Center Update:
- TC attended her first meeting recently. It was mentioned that other groups make their contributions more frequently, and TC asked about changing the distribution to be on a more frequent basis. BM indicated that we had made them on an annual basis in the past and then changed to a semiannual distribution.
- Discussion ensued around this question, and TC will attend another meeting and keep us aware of any comments. Further discussion on this topic will be taken up at the next meeting if warranted.
- TC's report was accepted.
- →Literature purchase/inventory discrepancy: MRccccccccf commented she would be reviewing the number of books in stock versus those purchased. She feels that everything is in order.
- JS suggested that MR should purchase 10 additional copies of the new book entitled Opening Our Hearts/Transforming Our Losses.
- Action: Marcia will purchase the additional copies of the new book for the shelf.
- →Beginning discussion of Hilltoppers' Group Inventory: Susan reported on her work on the responses and distributed copies of a partial summary of what was reported by members.
- Discussion revolved around such topics as the number of members participating in the survey, the need for volunteers to compile the data into a report form, and the set of a goal for completion of the report. SK volunteered to assist BC in organizing the comments in topic order. BC commented this process could be completed by early September for review of the officers and before bringing it to the group.
- NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, October 13, at 1:15 p.m.
- The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:00 p.m. and closed with the Al-Anon Declaration.
- Respectfully submitted,
JP, Secretary
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - October, 2007 Top of Page
- October 13, 2007
- Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
- Information Center Representative: TC
- Treasurer: JS
- Literature Chair: MR
- Secretary: JP
- Webmaster: BC
- Officers Present: SP, TC, JS, MR, JR, and BC
SP called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m. and opened with the reading of Tradition 2. SP asked for any corrections to the minutes. The minutes were approved as submitted.
- Financial Report:
- JS reviewed the Statement of Activity he prepared for the period of July 1 - September 30, 2007. JS mentioned that the May disbursements made to the various areas of Al-Anon should be amended as follows:
- 45%, or $1,215, to the Austin Al-Anon Information Center
- 25%, or $675, to District 6
- 15%, or $405 each, to the East Texas Area and World Service Organization
JS will make the October semiannual disbursements to the various areas of Al-Anon, to be allocated in line with the Operating Procedures for Hilltoppers AFG:
- 45%, or $1215, to the Austin Al-Anon Information Center
- 25%, or $675, to District 6
- 15%, or $405 each, to the East Texas Area and World Service Organization
- The financial report was accepted as submitted.
- Action: JP will amend the July minutes to reflect the corrections in the May disbursements mentioned above.
- Literature Report:
- In submitting her full report, MR indicated that 38 of the new book, Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses, had been sold. She also confirmed that placing the envelopes in the books has helped in keeping track of inventory.
- Information Center Update:
- Since TC was not present and had not submitted a report, there was no Information Center update.
- Website Update:
- Since Bob C. was not present, there was no Website report.
- Group Representative Report:
- SP reported that she had attended the District 6 quarterly meeting and was welcomed by all as a representative of Hilltoppers.
- →New Officers: - SP announced that the main action item was the election of officers for 2008. The positions to be filled for a one-year term were Secretary, Literature Chairperson, and Information Center Representative/Alternate Group Representative, all beginning in January. The position of Treasurer is a two-year term (2008-2009).
- SP proposed that a new service position, Newcomers Meeting Coordinator, be added. Discussion ensued and a motion was made and approved to add this position. JP was nominated for Treasurer, and she was elected unanimously to serve beginning on January 1, 2008. There were no nominations for Secretary, Literature Chairperson, Information Center Representative, or Newcomers Meeting Coordinator. There was some discussion about soliciting volunteers from the membership to serve in the various capacities.
- Action: - SP asked JP (outgoing Secretary), MR (outgoing Literature Chair), and TC (outgoing Information Center Representative), to announce these needs and to ask for volunteers at the meetings they attend. They will explain the responsibilities and rewards of each role and encourage members to volunteer to serve. Susan was going to check with TC to determine her interest in continuing as Information Center Representative another year, as she had indicated some interest in it. BM suggested that perhaps she and JW could work together to coordinate efforts in having the information strips about the Newcomers Meeting prepared for the Literature Chair to place in the packets and being sure that weekly speakers for this meeting are available.
- →Website guidelines in line with the Traditions: Since BC was not in attendance, SP reported that he, SK, and JL had not met to date and will check with BC about reporting at the next quarterly Group Conscience Meeting in January.
- Action: - SP will call BC about reporting on this matter at the January Group Conscience Meeting.
- →Group Inventory: - SP indicated that BL had compiled all responses into category order. SP asked for suggestions on how to disseminate the information to all members. Some discussion revolved around identifying the most urgent items (for example, sponsor availability).
- Action: - SP appointed a planning committee for developing next steps in handling results of the Group Inventory. BL, BM, JP, and JR agreed to serve on this committee and report on this matter at the January Group Conscience Meeting. SP asked that the committee get something out to the members soon, definitely prior to the next Group Conscience Meeting.
- →Funding for more books for the Lockhart Women's prison Al-Anon meetings: - JR and KF reported on the success of the meetings at the prison. Attendance over 24 weeks in 2006 amounted to 127 total in attendance, an average of 5 inmates per meeting. So far in 2007, they have had a total of 879 inmates in attendance. They had 138 newcomers and have given out 96 books. KF reported that members must attend 6 meetings before receiving their first book. They now give an additional reader at the end of 12 meetings and after 18 meetings. JR and KF shared their story of success and have asked for additional funding for literature through the end of the year in view of the increase in participation at the prison.
- Following comments about the value of this program, the first motion made was for the group to contribute an additional $500 for literature to benefit the Lockhart Women's Prison Al-Anon meetings until the end of the year. JR also requested that she and KF be allowed to pass a separate envelope over the next 30 days asking for voluntary contributions from the members for this purpose. They would also like to solicit volunteers, both men and women, to assist in sponsorship of some of the women who are ready to work through the Steps.
- The second motion included the following:
- That Hilltoppers AFG contribute an additional $500 for literature to benefit the Lockhart Women's Prison Al-Anon meetings through the end of the year.
- That JR and KF be allowed to pass an envelope at meetings over the next 30 days asking for donations for the same.
The second motion carried.
- Action: - JS will reserve the additional $500 for purchase of literature through the Al-Anon Information Center, and JR and KF will make an announcement and pass the envelope for voluntary contributions over the next month.
- →Funding for copies of the pamphlet "Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2008" as outreach: Since JS withdrew this item from the agenda because he had been unable to locate the pamphlet, no action was needed.
- NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, January 12, 2008, at 1:15 p.m.
- The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:35 p.m. and closed with the Al-Anon Declaration.
- Respectfully submitted,
JP, Secretary