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Hilltoppers AFG Group Conscience Minutes

HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - JANUARY, 2008     Top of Page
January 18, 2008
  • Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
  • Information Center Representative: JK (TC outgoing)
  • Treasurer: JP (JS outgoing)
  • Literature Chair: DF (MR outgoing)
  • Secretary: II (JP outgoing)
  • Webmaster: BC
Officers Present: SP, JK, JP, DF, MR, II, and BC
Calling the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m., SP asked those attending to read the Traditions and emphasized Tradition 2. She asked everyone present to review the minutes and to provide input on any corrections or suggestions needed. The minutes were approved as submitted. JP was thanked for her work as Secretary this past year.
  • Financial Report:
  • Since Jim S. was not present, JP, who is the incoming Treasurer for 2008, read the Statement of Activity that JS prepared for the period of January 1 - December 31, 2007. A copy of the report was also distributed, and it was accepted as submitted.
  • Literature Report:
  • MR gave a brief report on literature purchases for the last year. Clarification was requested on the number of One Day at a Time books distributed in the Newcomers Meetings if these were tracked. MR indicated that she did not have that kind of information, although she did know from the inventory that 134 ODATs were distributed during the first six months of 2007 and 124 ODATs over the last six months. She added that approximately 130 newcomer packets were given during the first six months of 2007, and 171 during the last six months. Questions were raised regarding a comparison of the ODAT books distributed in 2007 with those distributed in the past and a tracking of books given to newcomers compared to money collected from books sold, and MR said that she had not been able to retrieve that information. MR's report was accepted as given.
  • Information Center Update:
  • Since TC was not present and had not submitted a report, there was no Information Center update.
  • Website Update:
  • BC gave the Website report. He had developed Proposed Guidelines for the Hilltoppers-AFG Website and requested time to share the guidelines. SP suggested that consideration of these guidelines be postponed until the next quarterly meeting. Copies of the document were shared with those present.
    Action: - SP will place the consideration of the Proposed Guidelines for the Website on the agenda for the April GC Meeting.
Susan announced the election for the remaining three positions for 2008, indicating those trusted servants who were willing to stand for the positions. Those offering to serve in these one-year positions beginning January 1, 2008, were officially nominated and elected unanimously as follows: Ileana I. as Secretary, Diane F. as Literature Chair, and Judy K. as Information Center Representative. Joanne, as Treasurer for a two-year term was elected at the last quarterly meeting.
A draft (prepared by Jo W.) of the responsibilities for the newly created position of Newcomers Meeting Coordinator was distributed and reviewed by everyone. During the discussion, some concerns and issues regarding the meeting format were raised. A motion was presented and approved to review the Newcomers Meeting format in more detail and to consider the draft of responsibilities for the Coordinator in a special Group Conscience meeting
Action: - Susan will plan for a special Group Conscience meeting to discuss concerns about the Newcomers Meeting format and review the responsibilities for the Coordinator. She will then post an announcement for the group.
BL provided an overview of the preparation of the document entitled "Recommended Actions from Comments and Suggestions Made in Hilltoppers AFG Group Inventory Done in June 2007," which had been distributed to the members for the past week at all meetings. As indicated, the committee had recommended Group Conscience consideration of the first seven suggestions but had wanted all group members to have information on all of the comments and suggestions made in the inventory.
  1. Getting a Larger Meeting Room
  2. Group Conscience attention was focused, first, on the need for a larger room, with the suggestion for trading rooms with AA. The AA meeting room is bigger; and since the number of AAs in those meetings has decreased considerably, the possibility of our trading rooms was being explored. SP indicated that the GSR of Hilltoppers AA saw no problem with the arrangement but that the AA Group Conscience and the Church would have to be consulted. SP will be meeting with the Church administrative persons this next week. Since there is a music lesson in the larger room on Monday until about 12:00 noon, the start of the Newcomers Meeting would have to be delayed until 12:15 p.m. (all of the AA meetings Monday through Saturday have been changed to begin at 12:15 p.m.) The possibility of having all Al-Anon meetings at 12:15 p.m. was discussed. Concern was voiced that the bigger room could be intimidating to some members (less intimate environment). Other members mentioned that the small room becomes hot and unsafe when the door is blocked with too many persons in the room (safety issue in case of fire). Although change is hard, many people have voiced the need for more space. AA has expressed the desire to continue to meet in the room for their Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening meetings, something that would probably not be a problem for Al-Anon. The issues of transferring Al-Anon cabinets and our materials into the larger room and being able to change the room ambiance and displays from a predominantly AA room would have to be discussed with the Church and AA.
    A motion was presented to move the Al-Anon noon meetings Monday-Saturday to the AA meeting room at 12:15 p.m., provided that our banners and other materials can also be moved into that room. After further discussion, it was then determined that there were at least two different motions being discussed. It was mentioned that a group vote at this point might not be of value due to the many issues and decisions to be considered by the AA group related to their much lower attendance. The previous motion was therefore altered as follows: to move all Al-Anon meetings into the AA room, provided that only the Monday Newcomers Meeting time would be changed to 12:15 p.m. while the Tuesday through Saturday noon meetings would remain at the usual time and provided our banners and other materials could be relocated into the room. This revised motion was approved.
    Concerns were then shared about the complex logistics that must be addressed in switching rooms, including notification of both groups, bulletins, responsibility for coffee in the AA room, etc. JK stated that much of this might be resolved with a little more time, noting that the AA group might no longer be around in 6-12 months. Perhaps we should just wait. Since AA may have a problem with paying rent for the bigger room, a switch of rooms for all meetings might be a good alternative for both groups.
    Action: - SP will meet on Tuesday with the Church, and the AA Group Representative if she is available, to discuss our desire to switch rooms with the AA Group in accordance with the motion. She will then let the group know through an announcement in the binder about the outcome.
    SP briefly interrupted discussion and mentioned the earlier goal to end the meeting by 3:00 p.m. She therefore emphasized the importance of moving ahead to discuss some of the other Group Inventory suggestions/comments and hold the discussion about the meeting room change for a future time.
  3. Changing the format for chairing of meetings
  4. This suggestion involved having greater participation by having the chairing done by two people, one person to lead the sharing and topic discussion and another to handle the administrative portion of the meeting. Another related comment on the list noted difficulty in securing volunteers to chair meetings and, as a result, having the same persons to chair meetings repeatedly, especially for the noontime ones. During the discussion of these comments, it was noted that having two people share in the chairing of meetings will not necessarily help the issue of not having enough people to chair meetings, although, as pointed out, the intent is to have greater participation. Others saw having persons sign up ahead of time would lead to less spontaneity in topics, something they saw as of great value to those attending meetings. It was also mentioned that having a second chair in the meetings could be an option for those less comfortable with the administrative details and not a pre-planned activity.
    Guidelines for chairing meetings were read by SP, thus addressing some of the concerns presented, in particular those on restrictions on number of meetings a member could chair. The calendar on the clipboard behind the telephone sign-up pad is for volunteers to sign up in advance to chair meetings.
    A motion was presented to place an announcement in the Al-Anon binder requesting that more people are needed to chair the meetings and laying out the guidelines. This motion was approved.
    Action: - RS will prepare the announcement for the binder.
  5. Addressing issues of references to membership in other 12-Step programs, non-Conference Approved Literature (CAL), and inappropriate remarks about a female's appearance.
  6. It was pointed out that the Preamble read at the beginning of each meeting states that the Group Conscience has requested that references to other 12-Step programs and non-CAL be avoided. However, unless a person is there in time to hear this statement, newer persons may not be as mindful of this request. However, some persons mentioned that specific references are made even when a person refers to the fact that such references are not to be made, almost flouting the request.
    BM referred to the Al-Anon principle of having "obedience to the unenforceable." Someone mentioned that education on what is appropriate and what is not appropriate would be of more value. BL said that, although she was not offended by the brief reference to non-CAL nor to other 12-Step memberships, she was bothered by extensive discussion of someone's activities in qualifying for another 12-Step program and quotation or reading from non-CAL. Although some persons thought that gentle reminders handled by the chair in the midst of the sharing, as indicated in the chairing guidelines, would be more effective, some persons thought that this interruption would be disruptive and embarrassing, as well as difficult for some. However, for now (as indicated in the chairing guidelines) the chair is to be responsible for informing persons who disregard the Group Conscience requests.
    DF suggested that some signs be prepared in advance to be shown to/used with those who make references to other 12-Step program memberships, quote from or reference non-CAL sources, or go beyond the allowed time limits.
    Action: - DF will prepare the signs for the room.
SP indicated that, with the shortage of time today, further discussion of other comments/suggestions from the Group Inventory would be held for the next quarterly Group Conscience meeting.
Action: - SP will be sure to include a continuation of the discussion of the Group Inventory comments on the April GC meeting agenda.
NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, April 12, 2008, at 1:15 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:07 p.m. and closed with the Al-Anon Declaration.
Respectfully submitted,
II, Secretary
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - February, 2008     Top of Page
February 9, 2008
  • Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
  • Information Center Representative: JK
  • Treasurer: JP
  • Literature Chair: DF
  • Secretary: II
  • Webmaster: BC
Officers Present: SP, JP, II
Calling the special meeting to order at 1:20 p.m., SP asked those attending to recite the Serenity Prayer. She then stated that the topics to consider during this meeting included approval for transfer of remainder of Alateen literature and materials to the Georgetown Alateen group, and possible participation in AA coffee responsibility [sharing of monthly cost of coffee service and preparation and clean-up of coffee].
  1. Alateen Literature and Materials:
  2. SP shared with attendees the proposal to transfer the remaining literature and materials from the defunct Hilltoppers Alateen Group to the Georgetown Alateen group and no relevant comments were raised.
    Although not directly related with topic, SP shared that the Hilltoppers Al-Anon Group donations (collected this past month) totaling $150 contributed to sending an Alateen representative from the Georgetown group to the Texas conference in San Antonio.
    The motion was then presented by BM for the remaining Alateen literature and materials to be transferred to the Georgetown Alateen Group. The motion was seconded by JP and approved by attendees.
    Action: - SP will contact LL, the Georgetown Alateen Group Representative, and proceed with the transfer.
  3. Possible Coffee Program Participation:
  4. BM explained how the AA coffee program works. AA meeting participants do consume relatively large amounts of coffee, and its availability is important to their recovery program. The coffee program (coffee and supplies) typically costs $80-$120/month. Its support also includes the responsibility for setting up and cleaning up the coffee stand. If the Al-Anon group chooses to participate in the coffee program, it will have to address sharing in this cost and responsibility for preparation and clean-up of the coffee station. In the AA group, this responsibility is handled by the chair of each meeting.
    Comments from meeting participants focused on the observation that few Al-Anon participants drink coffee, and they wondered how cost effective it was to maintain the program based on Al-Anon member usage. The question raised was, "Is it really essential that we maintain the coffee arrangement for the usage of a few members?" Discussion also included ideas for participating for a short time on a trial basis and providing instant coffee and supplies for the few that consume coffee. However, others indicated that it would be simpler not participate in the coffee program at all, especially for the safety of the group in being sure that the coffeemaker is turned off.
    The motion presented by JP and seconded by R stated that the Hilltoppers Al-Anon group would decline participating in the AA coffee service. The motion was approved unanimously.
    Additional discussion focused on signs that need to be made to notify meeting participants of the decision made. It was also suggested that the sign indicate that the supplies are for AA members only.
    Action: - BM will notify LF, the AA Group Representative, that the Al-Anon group will not participate in the coffee program. She will also provide a new sign that states that the coffee and supplies are only for AA members and prepare an announcement for the meeting notebook to let members know that, for the safety of the group, we will no longer have coffee available for meetings.
NEXT MEETING: A special meeting of the Group Conscience will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2008, at 1:15 p.m. to discuss the style and substance of the Newcomers Meeting and the Newcomers Meeting Coordinator position (responsibilities and need for a volunteer). Susan noted that one primary concern raised about the tone of the meeting is the style of lecturing vs. sharing and that the style varied according to the chair responsible for the meeting.
This meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:47 p.m. with the Al-Anon Declaration..
Respectfully submitted,
II, Secretary
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - April, 2008     Top of Page
April 12, 2008
  • Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
  • Information Center Representative: JK
  • Treasurer: JP
  • Literature Chair: DF
  • Secretary: II
  • Webmaster: Bob C.
Officers Present: SP, JK, JP, DF, MR, II, and Bob C.
Calling the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m., SP asked those attending to have a minute of silence and meditation, followed by Serenity Prayer. Minutes from the 1st Quarterly Group Conscience meeting (January 12, 2008) and from two Special Group Conscience meetings (February 9 and February 23, 2008), were shared and a request for two corrections on dates was submitted. A motion was presented and approved, accepting the meeting minutes with the provision that the requested changes are made.
  • Financial Report:
  • As treasurer, JP presented the Treasurer report, and a motion for acceptance was made and approved.
  • Literature Report:
  • In submitting her full report, MR indicated that 38 of the new book, Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses, had been sold. She also confirmed that placing the envelopes in the books has helped in keeping track of inventory.
  • Information Center Update:
  • JK shared Notes from the Board of Directors meeting at the Austin Al-Anon/Alateen Information Center, February 18, 2008. The motion was presented, and the report was approved.
  • Update on Newcomer's Meeting Development:
  • BM provided an overview of the work to this point from the committee. The committee suggested not changing to the new format (new topics) until the ongoing nine-meeting series is completed in mid-May.
    Action: SP is to set the date for a Special Group Conscience Meeting prior to May 26, so that the proposed changes are finalized prior to the end of the current series. [Since Saturday, May 24, is part of Memorial Day weekend, the date of the meeting was later scheduled for Saturday, May 31.]
Request for approval of guidelines for the Hilltopper's Website: - Bob C. presented the Proposed Guidelines for the Hilltoppers AFG Website. He requested suggestions from members about potential improvements to the website. A motion was presented to approve the guidelines with proposed changes and was accepted. Concern was raised about the importance of protecting anonymity of members participating in the on-line meetings where the I.D. contains their full name with the probability for determining an address. When these situations arise, the facilitators will alert participants about this issue and they will be given the opportunity to provide a new I.D. that does not compromise their anonymity.
It was announced that CT will be working with Bob on all of our online meeting issues.
Action: - Bob will revise the guidelines with the proposed changes and will provide copy to include the Hilltoppers AFG Notebook. A question was also raised about the possibility of announcing to members (in meetings and on the website) some non-official Al-Anon activities that will be of value to members. It was decided that as long as they were suitable for announcing them at meetings due to compliance with the Al-Anon traditions, they will also be posted in the website. An announcement section in the website will be created to facilitate such postings
Bob will add announcement sections to the website.
Update on the Lockhart prison meeting, request for additional funding, and request for permission to post a notice on the Hilltopper's website about inmate sponsorship via correspondence: - JR and KF provided an update on the Hilltoppers Al-Anon participation in the Lockhart Woman's Prison Al-Anon program. The group has been very successful in terms of acceptance and results, and they would like to start announcing activities on the website. The group grew considerably and had to move to the prison's gym facilities; an increase in distribution of literature also occurred. For example, attendance to meetings was 1,077 women in 2007 vs. 426 attendees to meetings during the first quarter of 2008 (average of 40 participants a week in 2008 vs. 23 in 2007).
A request was presented to obtain additional funds from the Hilltoppers AFG to provide funding for the literature used in the program. The possible amount and frequency of donation was discussed in detail because the donation to this group will affect support to other entities. A motion was presented and approved to provide support of $1,000 during the first half of 2008 and a second $1,000 of support during the second half of 2008.
A request was also presented for permission to post announcements for the Lockhart Prison group activities on the Hilltoppers Al-Anon website. For example, they asked to post a notice on the Hilltopper's website about the need for sponsors of the group participants in working through the Steps via correspondence and the announcement of the Al-Anon meeting program activities on the website. A motion was presented to create a dedicated webpage for the Lockhart Prison Al-Anon program and the required energy for sponsorship to the program.
BM commended JR and KF for being the channel for God's power to reach the women in the Lockhart Prison Al-Anon group.
Action: - KF will summarize statistics for Woman's Prison Al-Anon program. Bob is to create a dedicated webpage for the meeting activities.
Continuation of review and consideration of comments and suggestions from June 2007 Group inventory: SP briefly highlighted the pending action items from the "Recommended Actions from Comments and Suggestions Made in Hilltoppers AFG Group Inventory Done in June 2007," and initiated discussion of the first of remaining items not discussed previously, "Inappropriate Remarks about Woman's Appearance in a Recovery Setting." Various comments about two reported incidents were shared by participants, and agreement was reached that the issue does not apply to the group as a whole. It was recommended that these individual boundary issues are handled at the level required and not at a group level. This is a self-correcting issue. The fact that the issue was on the summary of comments and covered in the discussion at the group conscience level was considered adequate follow-up, as it brings awareness to all group members.
NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, July 12, 2008, at 1:15 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m. with the Al-Anon Declaration.
Respectfully submitted,
II, Secretary
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - July, 2008     Top of Page
July 19, 2008
  • Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
  • Information Center Representative: JK
  • Treasurer: JP
  • Literature Chair: DF
  • Secretary: II
  • Webmaster: Bob C.
Officers Present: SP, JK, and Bob C.
Count of non-officers present: 7
Calling the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m., SP asked those attending to review the minutes from the 2nd Quarterly Group Conscience meeting (April 12, 2008) and from a Special Group Conscience meeting (May 31, 2008). A motion was presented and approved, accepting the meetings’ minutes as issued.
A motion was presented by P requesting that the meeting minutes include a count on number of attendees other than the officers. Motion passed.
Action: II to include count of attendees in the meeting minutes.
  • Financial Report:
  • As treasurer, JP presented the Treasurer report, and a request was submitted to make a correction on the literature cost with proper disbursements.
  • Literature Report:
  • BM presented attached Literature report on behalf of the Literature chair, DF, who was not present. The report was accepted as written. JP will request an accounting report from Kitty on the literature distributed at the prison.
    Action: SP to clarify with KF and JR the agreed upon allocation and disbursement of funds for the prison program.
  • Information Center Update:
  • JK was not present, and a report was not presented.
  • Update on Newcomer's Meeting Development:
  • BM provided an overview of the work to this point from the committee. The committee suggested not changing to the new format (new topics) until the ongoing nine-meeting series is completed in mid-May.
    Action: SP is to set the date for a Special Group Conscience Meeting prior to May 26, so that the proposed changes are finalized prior to the end of the current series. [Since Saturday, May 24, is part of Memorial Day weekend, the date of the meeting was later scheduled for Saturday, May 31.]
  • Website Update:
  • Bob C. informed that no comments have been received requesting changes to the website. He also indicated that no progress has been made with further defining the website for the prison program; information is pending from KF and JR. The online Al-Anon meetings have been well attended and are perceived as successful.
  • Group Representative Report from Area Assembly:
  • Prior to sharing the report, SP asked for a minute of silence, and then the group recited the Serenity Prayer. SP described her experience at the East Texas Area Al-Anon Alateen Spring Assembly in College Station in May. She shared news from the meeting.
PH was presented as the new Newcomers Meeting Coordinator. PH shared with the group her desire to serve the Al-Anon group in her new role, and to be of help to newcomers.
Ending meetings on time and being stricter about enforcing the 5-minute time limit on sharing.: Various comments were shared that it is important that the meeting chairs interrupt meeting participants that are exceeding the 5-minute rule. There are numerous ways that could be used to politely interrupt them. It was also mentioned that this applies too to meeting participants that share inappropriate comments, i.e., disparaging remarks relating to religion, treatments, etc. It was agreed that at this moment a special announcement to cover this is not required for all meeting participants, as this appears to be an issue that can be handled individually if necessary.
Having a home step study group meet once/week or one every two weeks. BM described how the step study group works and the ongoing activities. Various attendants shared positive comments on the step study group meetings, and no disagreements were raised towards initiating a step study group.
Having some meetings on sponsorship. The purpose of the meetings on sponsorship was first discussed, thus clarifying what needs they will meet and that are currently lacking, as well as the expected value. Comments were also shared on the value of those types of meetings, but concerns were raised that the logistics in organizing these meetings will create extra work. Instead of creating separate sponsorship meetings it was suggested and agreed upon that the schedule and topics of the Newcomers meeting will be posted in the bulleting board.
Action: Bob C. to post on the website the Newcomers meeting schedule and topics.
Action: PH to post on the bulleting board the schedule and topics of Newcomers meetings.
NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008, at 1:15 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. with the Al-Anon Declaration.
Respectfully submitted,
II, Secretary
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HILLTOPPERS A.F.G. - October, 2008     Top of Page
October 11, 2008
  • Group Representative(GR): SP (Meeting Facilitator)
  • Information Center Representative: JK
  • Treasurer: JP
  • Literature Chair: DF
  • Secretary: II
  • Webmaster: Bob C.
Officers Present: SP, JP, JK, PH, II, and Bob C.
Count of non-officers present: 1
Calling the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m., SP asked those attending to review the minutes from the 3rd Quarterly Group Conscience meeting (July 19, 2008). A request for a change was presented, and an electronic change was made to the minutes. A motion was presented, and approved, accepting the meetings' minutes as amended.

ACTION: II to post hardcopy of revised minutes in bulletin board.
  • Financial Report:
  • As treasurer, JP presented the Treasurer report. Various questions were raised and answered. A motion was presented and approved, accepting the report as written.
  • Literature Report:
  • DF was not present, but action was identified relevant to literature. ACTION: JP to inform DF to prepare more literature packages.
  • Information Center Update:
  • JK gave a briefing (printed notes are enclosed) about her attendance to the meeting of the Board of Directors at the Al-Anon Information Center in Austin, TX on August 18, 2008. Attached report provided includes the Income and Expense report, breakdown on Literature Sales, and comments from attendant to the WSO Convention this summer in Pennsylvania.
  • Update on Newcomer's Meeting Development:
  • As the new Newcomers Meetings Coordinator, PH indicated that input received about the topics discussed in the Newcomer's meetings has been very positive. A concern was raised about the limited number of people that are chairing these meetings. Specifically, it has been emphasized in various meetings, and by the team aiming to restructure the Newcomers Meetings, the need to have diversity in the personalities that chair these meetings. When only three people are hosting these meetings, the diversity of personalities is limited. A motion was presented and accepted, approving Pam's report.
    Action: Current chairs of Newcomers Meetings to announce that 'fresh' chairs for the Newcomers meetings are being sought. The requirements for the chairs are two years of participation in the Al-Anon program, and having completed up to step four of the program.
    Action: PH to provide instructions for chairs of Newcomers meetings to write down the number of books given away during the Newcomers meetings on the collection envelopes.
    Action: - PH agreed to serve the upcoming year as Newcomers Meeting Coordinator. She has only served four months so far.
  • Website Update:
  • Bob C. informed that he was requested to add an announcement section, but no requests for announcements have been submitted, thus he has not had the opportunity to post ads in this new section. A section was also added about sponsorship, and another one for the Lockhart Prison program. Bob C. awaits information from the Al-Anon Hilltoppers' participants in the Lockhart Prison Program, so that he can post it in the Prison Program section. The Al-Anon on-line meeting has been active for five years (on Nov. 2008) and it has been quite successful. A motion was presented and approved, accepting the verbal report.
    Action: Bob C. to create fliers/banners to be included in the Newcomers' Information package about the Al-Anon on-line meetings.
Research possible new locations for Hilltopers Al-Anon meetings. (SP): - Various pros and cons were presented about forming a committee to research possible new locations for our Al-Anon Family Group. It was agreed that the current situation is acceptable, there was no need to cause concern about 'having to move', and that if and when we need to move we can mobilize well enoug - the need will be met when the need arises.
Group inventory (SP): - Making greater use of other CAL (the Forum, some pamphlets, and other books) rather than just daily readers for topics of meetings.
Since the room and table is shared by other groups, it is difficult to make easily accessible reference material for Al-Anon meetings. It was agreed to place in the Al-Anon basket as group copies the following: Path to Recovery and From Survival to Recovery. The copies of those books are now in the Al-Anon basket under the table.
Being more consistent about reading announcements: It was agreed that this is not perceived as being an issue. In addition, it was agreed that members are always encouraged to add announcements in the binders used by meeting chairs.
Lockhart Women's Prison Al-Anon Meeting (JR): - JR shared details about her involvement in the Al-Anon Lockhart Prison program, which continues to be well attended and successful. Number of attendants continues to increase. She thinks this prison Al-Anon fellowship is the only prison family group in the nation, according to an AA world service officer with whom she spoke.
Topics for discussion in future meetings
Shared table in room (for chairs use), & potential additional outreach programs.
ACTION ITEM FOR NEXT MEETING Jan. 10, 2009:: - Election of officers to serve as information center rep, secretary, and literature chairperson.
NEXT MEETING: The next quarterly meeting of the Group Conscience is to be held on Saturday, January 10, 2009, at 1:15 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. with the Al-Anon Declaration: Whenever anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, let the hand of Al-Anon always be there, and let it begin with me.
Respectfully submitted,
II, Secretary